Self IP Port Lockdown and more

Effects of Port Lockdown

In the exercise, you will do some basic configuration of DNS and NTP and work with port lockdown.

Working with port lockdown on self IPs.


Q1. Was echo response received?

SSH to

Q2. Was ssh successful? Why not?

Open Network > Self IPs > and change Port Lockdown to Allow Defaults

SSH to

Browse to

Q3. Did SSH work? Did browsing work?

Q4. What other ports are opened when you select Allow Defaults.

Open Network > Self IPs > and change Port Lockdown to Allow Custom and add TCP port 22

SSH to

Browse to

Q5. Did SSH work? Did browsing work?

Configure DNS and NTP

NTP is essential for a number of BIG-IP functions, in particular, when creating Device Service Clusters. DNS configured on the BIG-IP can also be of value.

Configure DNS and NTP.


The BIG-IP DNS has been preconfigured in the UDF environment

Go to System > Configuration > Device > General

Using the Device dropdown on the top-bar you can select DNS and NTP configuration UIs.

Configure DNS to use Google open DNS server and verify it works. In BIG-IP command line terminal window test DNS from the CLI or TMSH enter:


Now that you’ve configure DNS, configure NTP using

VLAN Tagging

Here you will set up multiple VLANs on the same interface and assign IP addressing. You will be using one of these VLANs when you do the High Availability lab.

Go to VLANs and create two tagged VLANs on interface 1.3.

The first VLAN will be named vlan-30 have a tag of 30 and on interface 1.3 will be placed in the Tagged box.

The second tagged VLAN will be named vlan-40 on interface 1.3 and have a tag of 40.

Make sure you place the interface into correct box.

Create a new self IP named HA-IP and and assign it to vlan vlan-30.

You will be using this IP address for building a device service cluster in a later lab.