F5N2 - Configuration: Knowledge

Exam summary

The F5 NGINX Configuration: knowledge exam is one of four NGINX exams candidates are required to pass to achieve the F5 Certified, Administrator, NGINX. The exams may be taken in any order. The NGINX certification is based on NGINX Open Source Software, not NGINX+.

The F5 NGINX Management exam ensures that the candidates have the skills and understanding necessary for day-to-day management of an NGINX web server platform.

This module goes through all the elements evaluated as specified in the exam blueprint and gives insights, details but above all resources to guide candidates in their study for these exams.

The covered material explores the content of the Configuration: Knowledge exam, axed around knowing how to handle use cases with configuration directives. Although you will read here as much insight as I could grasp from the various sources, you are strongly advised to read by yourself the very rich documentation details as it is the core of the evaluated material.

Objective - 1.1 Configure NGINX as a load balancer

1.1 - Define the load balancing pools/systems



upstream directive

Defining a load balancing pool is as simple as writing the upstream directive in a http or stream block. Please refer to the referenced pages for details.

The simplest configuration for load balancing with nginx may look like the following:
http {
    upstream myapp1 {
        server srv1.example.com;
        server srv2.example.com;
        server srv3.example.com;

    server {
        listen 80;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://myapp1;

In the example above, there are 3 instances of the same application running on srv1-srv3. When the load balancing method is not specifically configured, it defaults to round-robin. All requests are proxied to the server group myapp1, and nginx applies HTTP load balancing to distribute the requests.

1.1 - Explain the different load balancing algorithms


Different algorithms for different needs

The referenced resource explains in details each algorithm. The algorithms available in NGINX OSS are the following:

  • default: round-robin
  • least connections with least_conn
  • ip hash with ip_hash
  • generic hash with hash
  • random with random

Note that for these methods, one can also define a weight parameter, that influence some server over others when making the upstream server choice with a defined weight.

1.1 - Describe the process used to remove a server from the pool




Manually remove a server from a pool

Let us say you have an upstream pool such as the one showed in the following configuration file:

upstream backend {
    server backend1.example.com;
    server backend2.example.com:8080;
    server backend2.example.com:8081;

You may want to perform some maintenance on the server backend1.example.com and therefore, temporarily remove it from the pool. Removing the line 2 and reloading the configuration file with nginx -s reload will make NGINX not choose this upstream server for any new incoming connection. Another cleaner possibility would be to use the down option such as:

upstream backend {
    server backend1.example.com down;
    server backend2.example.com:8080;
    server backend2.example.com:8081;

Where you perform a minimal alteration on your file. Note that this may lead to connection loss for clients that were proxied to the backend1 server when you run the configuration reload command.

Automatic removal with passive health checks

NGINX also manages automatic removal of pool members using the passive health checks. If the response from a particular server fails with an error, nginx will mark this server as failed, and will try to avoid selecting this server for subsequent inbound requests for a while.

The max_fails directive sets the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the server that should happen during fail_timeout. By default, max_fails is set to 1. When it is set to 0, health checks are disabled for this server. The fail_timeout parameter also defines how long the server will be marked as failed. After fail_timeout interval following the server failure, nginx will start to gracefully probe the server with the live client’s requests. If the probes have been successful, the server is marked as a live one.

1.1 - Describe what happens when a pool server goes down

This aspect is covered in the previous part on health check.

1.1 - Explain what is unique to NGINX as a load balancer

https://www.f5.com/company/events/webinars/nginx-plus-for-load-balancing-30-min (from 6:40 to 10:20 notably)

What are the other load balancing methods

DNS Rounds Robin

This method is quite simple and can be easily and cheaply configured: to load balance between 3 servers with 3 different IPs, the DNS record for the service (example.com for example) is configured to one element among an array of 3 IP addresses. Clients, receiving these, will contact the server with the received IP address, allowing to distribute load among clients as long as the DNS server returns different results to different clients.

However, this lacks on the update speed: updating DNS records can take time and a server that is down may be served to some client for a long time. Also, this method does not scale well as it requires managing every growing DNS records which can be complicated.

Hardware L4 load balancer
These are advanced network switches that do not handle a full TCP stack but stream TCP packets and track the TCP sessions using the attributes they find in the TCP header. They deliver great performances but are limited in terms of available features: out of order and broken TCP packets are not easy to handle and lead to a reduced flexibility.
Cloud solutions
Cloud providers often provide their own load balancing systems (Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer for example). However, these totally depend on the exposed interface from the Cloud provider’s system, potentially giving a lower flexibility.

Where NGINX stands and what challenges it can overcome

NGINX is in the category of the Software load balancer. This refers to reverse proxy systems: these are software applications running on machines having their own full TCP stack (Linux or FreeBSD machines for example). The particularity is that it terminates the TCP connection and handles it. It afterward processes the content of the connection as desired, and reopen a TCP connection to the upstream server, using any implementable software method to load balance between different servers. This gives the maximum degree of flexibility to control the received connection and stream and apply logic to ensure performance and security.

For example, with NGINX, one can perform load balancing depending on HTTP content (session cookies, request URIs, …) as the reverse proxy terminates the TCP connection, it has the ability to use any L4-L7 information to perform load balancing decision.

Also, NGINX being implemented using low level performant C code, it benefits from excellent performances despite being software based, which is a key aspect to efficient load balancing.

The following diagrams picture the different ideologies between the different types of load balancers.

Diagram load balancer DNS
Diagram load balancer L4
Diagram software load balancer

1.1 - Describe how to configure security



L4-L7 security

This given objective may sound quite vague, and it is not clear why it stands in this section about load balancing as it could be a section in itself. Considering this, the reader is advised to be familiar with all the NGINX security controls available in NGINX OSS that we will list here and are detailed in the linked documentation.

  • NGINX as an HTTPS/SSL server: NGINX can handle and terminate TLS/SSL communications. The simple default but customizable at will principle also applies here: 3 directives allow setting up NGINX as an HTTPS reverse proxy load balancer, but other options can be enabled (mTLS, OCSP, SNI validation…). Note these are available in http {} and stream {} blocks.
  • NGINX as a perimeter authentication system: NGINX supports authentication protocols (limited in NGINX OSS) to ensure the desired server {} or location {} blocks are protected and authenticated.
  • Rate/bandwidth control: NGINX can be configured to limit the request rate/amount or the served bandwidth to some clients to prevent abuses.
  • IP based restrictions: NGINX can restrict access to some routes or some servers based on the client’s IP.
  • NGINX as an HTTPS/SSL client: NGINX can finally handle secured connections to upstream servers with again, simple defaults and some granular control to enable options.

Also, considering observability as a security property, take note of the logging configuration of NGINX, notably its centralization capabilities with easy to configure log sending to a syslog server.

1.1 - Modify or tune a memory zone configuration






Memory zones in NGINX

When configuring memory zones in NGINX, we generally refer to shared memory zones, as seen and explained in the previous module. To modify or tune these, we must first identify where they appear in our NGINX configurations. In NGINX OSS, shared memory zones can be configured in the following contexts:

  • The connection limiting: sharing across worker the state of clients regarding the amount of connection requests.
  • The request limiting: sharing across worker the state of clients regarding the amount and nature of HTTP requests.
  • The JavaScript shared dictionary: sharing across workers JS structures in the form of dictionary.
  • The proxy caching: sharing across workers the key/value pairs associating requests parameters with cached content location on the disk.
  • The upstream pools: sharing across workers the state of upstream services of pools for updating their status (alive, down, served X times, …)

What can be configured and tuned

In each of the aforementioned contexts, different directives allow configuring the shared memory zones corresponding. For most of these, this zone has only 2 parameters: a name (used to identify a same zone multiple times in the config), and a size in bytes.

The size parameter can be tuned and engineered to correspond to the nature of the application and the server’s resources. For example, knowing that a shared JS dictionary should only have a few small entries, on can allocate only a few kilobytes preventing the allocation of megabytes of memory and not using it.

For details on the different syntaxes, the reader should refer to the mentioned links to the documentation.

1.1 - Describe how to configure NGINX as mirroring server




The concept of mirroring requests in NGINX

In the context of reverse proxying, request mirroring refers to making the reverse proxy, proxy requests to a mirroring server, “as if” it was an actual backend upstream server. However, the specificity lies in the fact that NGINX does not actually forward the mirror server’s response back to the client. This for example allows testing a new, off-production backend server with real clients’ requests and assess its functionalities before pushing it to production.

The following diagram from Alex Dzyoba’s blog provides a visual representation of a mirroring setup where NGINX would both, proxy the actual client’s request to the real backend server, and mirroring this request to a test server.

Diagram of a mirroring server setup with NGINX

Configure NGINX to mirror requests

NGINX uses the directives from the ngx_http_mirror_module to implement the mirroring.

The following configuration defines 2 locations: the first where NGINX should:

  1. mirror the client’s request to its /mirror URI
  2. proxy the request to the real backend, picked from the upstream pool named backend.

The second location is internal (meaning it can only be reached by NGINX itself, not from the outside), and defines what should happen to the requests made to the /mirror endpoint. They should be proxied to another backend, picked from the test_backend pool.

location / {
    mirror /mirror;
    proxy_pass http://backend;

location = /mirror {
    proxy_pass http://test_backend$request_uri;

1.1 - Describe how to configure NGINX as a layer 4 load balancer


TCP/UDP load balancing

In the same fashion as NGINX can be configured as a Layer 7 (HTTP) load balancer, the same can be done at the Layer 4 with a similar syntax: one must configure an upstream servers group with the upstream directive and can afterward use the proxy_pass directive to proxy the requests at layer 4 to the upstream pool.

The following configuration defines an upstream pool composed of 3 servers: the first 3 are active while the last 2 are backup (they receive requests only when one of the active server is down). The first server is preferred in the load balancing algorithm by a factor of 5. The load balancing algorithm uses the hash algorithm by taking the remote client’s address as a key.

upstream backend {
    hash $remote_addr;

    server backend1.example.com:12345  weight=5;
    server backend2.example.com:12345;
    server unix:/tmp/backend3;

    server backup1.example.com:12345   backup;
    server backup2.example.com:12345   backup;

server {
    listen 12346;
    proxy_pass backend;

1.1 - Describe how to configure NGINX as an API Gateway




NGINX as an API gateway

To answer these aspects, I could not propose a better guide than the one you can find in the references, written by Liam Crilly. The following is the article’s table of content, curated to remove NGINX+ specific content as it is not covered by the certification.

  • Configuring the API gateway
    • Introducing the Warehouse API
    • Organizing the NGINX Configuration
    • Defining the Top-Level API Gateway
    • Single-Service vs. Microservice API Backends
    • Defining the Warehouse API
      • Choosing Broad vs. Precise Definition for APIs
      • Rewriting Client Requests to Handle Breaking Changes
    • Responding to Errors
    • Implementing Authentication
      • API Key Authentication
  • Protecting backend services
    • Rate Limiting
    • Enforcing Specific Request Methods
    • Applying Fine-Grained Access Control
      • Controlling Access to Specific Resources
      • Controlling Access to Specific Methods
      • Controlling Request Sizes
      • Validating Request Bodies
      • A Note about the $request_body Variable
  • Publishing gRPC Services
    • Defining the gRPC Gateway
    • Running Sample gRPC Services
      • Routing gRPC Requests
      • Precise Routing
    • Responding to Errors
    • Authenticating Clients with gRPC Metadata
    • Applying Rate Limiting and Other API Gateway Controls

These constitute an excellent recipe for configuring NGINX as an API gateway. Of course not all elements need to be applied, and some elements may already be performed by the application (controlling the body content), but this recipe shows how to take any app (even a legacy or lazy one) and configure a secure and efficient API gateway.

Objective - 1.2 Configure NGINX as a content cache server

1.2 - Define a minimum retention policy




DEJONGHE, NGINX COOKBOOK Advanced Recipes for High -Performance Load Balancing., 41-41.

Minimum retention policy

When speaking of a caching system, a minimum retention policy refers to the minimum time an element is accessible from a cached location. Concretely, imagine we cache the content served from the upstream server at endpoint http://upstream/data/1. A minimum retention policy defines the minimum time (m seconds) NGINX would keep the cached version of the upstream’s response: we would be sure to always have the cached version for m seconds after the initial cache insertion.

NGINX cache minimum retention

Strictly speaking, I cannot see how to configure NGINX in a way that makes it purposefully enforce a minimum retention policy. The closest aspect of NGINX that may coincide with this policy is the ability for NGINX to serve cached stale content in case of an error.

proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating
  http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504
  http_403 http_404 http_429;

The above directive indicates that NGINX should use cache content, even if it is stale, upon upstream servers responding error codes 500, 502, 503, 504, 403, 404 or 429. It also specifies that NGINX should do the same in case the upstream request timed out, it answered with invalid headers, it encountered an error or also when the cache is being updated (so that NGINX can answer before the cache gets fully updated but with a stale response).

The parameters are the ones found in the variable proxy_next_upstream.

1.2 - Describe how to configure path REGEX routing




URI routing in NGINX

When NGINX receives a request, it first tries to find a matching server {} block to send the request to. Once this is done, NGINX processes the request’s URI to find a matching location {} block among the one in the matched server. This process is crucial and very error-prone, the reader must familiarize with the location matching process to prevent errors. The matching process is described as follows:

The matching is performed against a normalized URI, after decoding the text encoded in the “%XX” form, resolving references to relative path components “.” and “..”, and possible compression of two or more adjacent slashes into a single slash.

A location can either be defined by a prefix string, or by a regular expression. Regular expressions are specified with the preceding “~*” modifier (for case-insensitive matching), or the “~” modifier (for case-sensitive matching). To find location matching a given request, nginx first checks locations defined using the prefix strings (prefix locations). Among them, the location with the longest matching prefix is selected and remembered. Then regular expressions are checked, in the order of their appearance in the configuration file. The search of regular expressions terminates on the first match, and the corresponding configuration is used. If no match with a regular expression is found then the configuration of the prefix location remembered earlier is used.

Location blocks can be nested, with some exceptions mentioned below.

For case-insensitive operating systems such as macOS and Cygwin, matching with prefix strings ignores a case (0.7.7). However, comparison is limited to one-byte locales.

Regular expressions can contain captures (0.7.40) that can later be used in other directives.

If the longest matching prefix location has the “^~” modifier then regular expressions are not checked.

Also, using the “=” modifier it is possible to define an exact match of URI and location. If an exact match is found, the search terminates. For example, if a “/” request happens frequently, defining “location = /” will speed up the processing of these requests, as search terminates right after the first comparison. Such a location cannot obviously contain nested locations.

Shortening this description is error-prone, therefore we advise familiarizing with it. The following points can be surprising:

  • By default, a REGEX match supersedes a prefix match (irrelevantly of the length of the match)
  • Options “=” and “^~” disable the checking of REGEX matches
  • The first matched REGEX stops the matching check process: the order matters and there is not such thing as longest matched REGEX (fortunately so)

Among other points. The referenced [blog post](https://www.f5.com/company/blog/nginx/regular-expression-tester-nginx) from Rick Nelson gathers interesting examples and an explanation for a tester software you can run to check which routes match a given REGEX location. Check examples from the NGINX documentation to familiarize with REGEX and locations definitions in NGINX.

1.2 - Describe the why and how of caching in NGINX


Kapranoff, Nginx Troubleshooting, 82.


Caching reduces load and speeds up

The main reasons why one would like to cache in NGINX in because NGINX presents the advantage of being an intermediate between the client and the upstream servers. This leads to the following advantages:

  • Caching at NGINX reduces load on the backend servers by processing and serving some requests without having to re-ask the upstream to do it.
  • Caching at NGINX speeds up the response process as there are fewer intermediates that need to be contacted to answer the client’s request (everything between NGINX and the backend server is not involved when serving a cached response).

How does NGINX enable caching

There are different ways to ensure the served web content gets cached with NGINX. We will here focus on the literal sense of using NGINX “as a caching server”; namely, we will see how to make NGINX being the node serving cached content in the web content retrieval process. Nonetheless, when engineering your caching system, do not forget that you can make use (and use NGINX’s capabilities to do so) of the HTTP headers such as Cache-Control. But this makes web client become the caching actors, and we may want to get more control on cached content by making it closer to the upstream servers. This is where NGINX comes in handy.

Enabling caching on NGINX means making NGINX storing the content obtained from the upstream servers to serve it later, when an “identical” requests comes in, without having to contact the upstream server. This raises two interesting points that we will immediately answer:

  • Where is this content cached?
    • The content gets cached on the NGINX host’s file system, at the path specified with the proxy_cache_path directive. Generally, this means it gets stored on the disk of the machine where NGINX is hosted. Nonetheless, it is absolutely compatible with systems having other kinds of storage mounted on the filesystem (you could mount a NFS or RAMFS endpoints and store the cache there). Note that this is where the actual cache content (HTML, JSON, or any web result returned by the upstream server to be sent to the client). Caching in NGINX also involves cache keys that are discussed in the next point.
  • When does NGINX know how to serve cached content and when the request should be forwarded to upstream?
    • When NGINX performs content caching and receives a new request, it must decide between “forwarding the request to upstream” or “hitting cache and serving what I cached earlier”. Of course the algorithm to decide on this is more complex that what we will explain, but the idea stays the same. NGINX uses under the hood hash tables to map requests to cached content. Therefore, to know if cached content already exists for some kind of request, it will see if the request’s key matches an existing value. The keys are stored in a shared memory zone defines with the proxy_cache_path directive. The proxy_cache_key directives helps to define what NGINX considers as two identical requests. By default, requests with the same $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args are considered identical and get served the same cached content. Otherwise, if not matching value is found or if the cached content is stale, NGINX will forward the request to an upstream server.

These are the basics of how NGINX allows caching the content when placed as a reverse proxy: it stores in its own file system the files served by upstream to client, and tries to match incoming requests with the cached ones, serving the cached ones when possible.

1.2 - Define the cache in the http context



Simple cache definition in http context

Although many configurations are possible, quickly getting started with NGINX default cache is as simple as defining a proxy_cache_path directive in the http {} context, along with the proxy_cache directive in the context where you want to have caching (a whole server, a location, etc.).

The following gives a quick example:

http {
    # ...
    proxy_cache_path /data/nginx/cache keys_zone=mycache:10m;
    server {
        proxy_cache mycache;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

This defines content caching where cached files are stored in the file system at /data/nginx/cache, and cache keys are stored in a shared memory zone named mycache, a zone of 10 megabytes.


Although this is not directly linked to this evaluation point, please note the following: by default the cache keys quite matches the following 5-tuple $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args. This means that 2 users querying https://example.com/myprofile should, in the eyes of NGINX, be served the same cached content. If Bob’s profile is loaded in the cache, then Alice’s request will be served the same cached content page that could contain sensible information. To avoid this, defining new cache keys such as $host$request_uri$cookie_user could prevent this issue, assuming you have an authentication session cookie named USER and your endpoint is authenticated through this cookie. Indeed, Alice and Bob’s cookies will not match and therefore, the requests will not be considered identical.

1.2 - Enable the cache

The previous part basically covers this. The caching is actually enabled through the proxy_cache directive which makes responses from a given context actually cached.

1.2 - Specify the content that should be cached

Kapranoff, Nginx Troubleshooting, 82.

When caching gets most useful

This question is of course open-ended. However, the caching algorithm is best when optimizing the following aspects:

  • The cached content should not change often and be long-lived static. Otherwise you would often have to re-populate your cache or worse, serve stale content when it is not desired.
  • The cached content should be the one queried often. Indeed, you do not want to use memory resources for content that is useful to a very few users.

Therefore, the answer to “what should be cached” may vary on your application, however, some files often match these criteria in many case static files such as style sheets or static scripts that are required upon every request and generally are not updated on any release (or at least, serving stale style might still allow your service to function and occur minimal impact).

1.2 - Describe different types of caching

The previous module already goes through details on different types of caching along with references on the topic.

1.2 - Explain what is unique to NGINX as a cache server


Interests of caching at the reverse proxy layer

In the same idea as “what is unique to NGINX” as a load balancer, we, among other things, find NGINX’s uniqueness in its interesting position on the path between clients and upstream servers. Indeed, caching at the reverse proxy has both advantages:

  • It effectively reduces load on the backend servers, as a cache hit results in the server not being queried. This can be done with zero modification of the upstream server’s code which may be handy when dealing with legacy or non-controllable applications.
  • It leaves control in your hands. A disadvantage of caching on the clients’ devices is that if you make a mistake (setting a client cache time limit too high for example), clients may be left with stale data and wrongly not re-emit requests to your servers. Having NGINX caching allows you, as an admin, tu purge caches if needed and control it on your end.

Optimized and controllable caching

The above is true for any caching implemented by a reverse proxy. NGINX is particularly good because it comes with great optimizations (e.g.: the caching keys are stored in a shared memory zone, this is non-trivial and allows sharing the cache population work performed by the different workers and leverage hardware with high parallelism capabilities) that are very easy to configure out of the box.

On another hands, I think it is important to speak about the controllability you get when caching with NGINX. Notably, you should visit the documentation page about proxy_cache_path directive. You can for example define parameters on how and when to purge files, along with directives controlling how should concurrent workers fetching a cacheable data behave. This allows you to define your own thresholds between serving cached data at all cost or just using cache as a circumstantial performance bonus, depending on your business needs.

Objective - 1.3 Configure NGINX as a web server

1.3 - Demonstrate how to securely serve content (HTTP/HTTPS)

DEJONGHE, NGINX COOKBOOK Advanced Recipes for High -Performance Load Balancing., 77, 84-88.



Kapranoff, Nginx Troubleshooting, 117.




General security aspects

The previous part already gives insights on what settings can be adjusted to control security aspects of an HTTP/HTTPS server. Security of course is a tremendously vast topic, and we could not cover it all in this point. We will try to cover the most important aspects and, as the objective asks for demonstrative capabilities, mostly provide detailed examples of concrete security configurations.


NGINX OSS proposes 2 ways to authenticate requests and protect locations based on authentication + authorization rules: HTTP Basic authentication and sub-request results. You will find more details on this in :ref:` module 3 <module3 demonstrate authenticate>`.

Client-Reverse Proxy flux security

Securing the connection between the connecting client and NGINX can be achieved with the various capabilities for setting up NGINX as an HTTPS server. You will find more details on this point in module 3.

Reverse Proxy-Upstream servers security

In order to make sure the communication between NGINX and the upstream servers is secured, one can configure HTTPS communication between NGINX and the upstream server when proxy passing the requests. The following example shows how to do it:

location / {
  proxy_pass https://upstream.example.com;
  proxy_ssl_verify on;
  proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;

  proxy_ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/client.pem;
  proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/client.key;

Note that the proxy_pass directive uses the https scheme, which enables HTTPS with the upstream. The proxy_ssl_verify directive is set to on to make sure that NGINX verifies the upstream server’s certificate (by default, this is set to off). The proxy_ssl_protocols limits the accepted TLS version to be used to negotiate the TLS communication.

On another hand, the proxy_ssl_certificate and proxy_ssl_certificate_key define the certificate and key to be used by NGINX for setting up a mTLS communication with the upstream server. Indeed, by default, only the upstream server must authenticate with its certificate toward NGINX. With both these directives, NGINX presents its own certificate to the upstream server to ensure the upstream can authenticate the reverse proxy, which could be used to perform authorization decisions.

IP based protections

When a client connects to NGINX, their IP address is retrieved and can be used by NGINX to enforce restrictions based on different rules (geoIP, manually defined decisions, etc.). Module 3 goes further into details on how to restrict access based on IP addresses.

HTTP specific security features

HTTP and its evolution come with many specifications, headers and other quirks dedicated to security. We could not go over all of them, but it is worth mentioning some common hardening features allowed by NGINX. Ideally, the upstream servers should be able to define the correct HTTP headers to ensure secure content delivery: the upstream is the most tightly intertwined with the application logic, it knows what content should be allowed and how. However, the power of NGINX is its ability to cope with upstream server not able to add such security options.

Secure Cross-Origin Resources Sharing (CORS)

The following diagram from Mozilla’s documentation presents what is meant by CORS and when it occurs.

Diagram presenting CORS principle

Basically, if your server serves resources from another domain (say, you host images or scripts used as resources for pages in a website hosted at site1.example.com and site2.example.com), you will need to enable CORS for the web clients to be able to fetch the resources you host that are referred to in the pages served by site1.example.com and site2.example.com.

map $request_method $cors_method {
  GET 1;
  POST 1;
  default 0;
server {
  # ...
  location / {
    if ($cors_method ~ '1') {
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
      'DNT, Keep-Alive, User-Agent, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Content-Type';
    if ($cors_method = '11') {
      add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
      add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
      add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
      return 204;
Clickjacking and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection
Clickjacking refers to an attack where a user is tricked into clicking on a link from a different source that what they think (for example, clicking on a “Submit” button inside an iFrame when they think the button belongs to the top level page and not an iFrame). XSS is a security exploit which allows an attacker to inject into a website malicious client-side code. This code is executed by the victims and lets the attackers bypass access controls and impersonate users. HTTP proposes the standardized Content-Security-Policy header to solve these. This one consists of directives where the client receives indication as of which resources are allowed to be fetched from where. The add_header Content-Security-Policy "<directive> <value>;"; NGINX directive allows setting up this header on HTTP responses served to the client. The reader is advised to dig deeper in this topic by looking at documentation and examples.
HTTP Strict Transport Security
HTTP Strict Transport Security is an HTTP header indicating to a web client that the host it contacted must be contacted through HTTPS only, and caches this information for a certain (generally long) amount of time. This reduces the attack surface available for an attacker in the middle aiming to intercept initial plain HTTP requests and impersonate these. Indeed, after this header is received once, the client is protected and knows that at least for max-age seconds that a plain HTTP response is suspicious and should not be trusted. In order to ensure this, NGINX can, with the directive add_header Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains” always;, add the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header to all responses sent back to the client.

Location security and secure links

In order to protect a location, NGINX can make use of the features in its ngx_http_secure_link_module.

Basically, this module allows protecting a location by requiring the requested URI contains some non easily guessable value, making it hard for automated scanner to easily access the files at that location.

This can be implemented by 2 different modes: The first mode is enabled by the secure_link_secret directive and is used to check authenticity of requested links as well as protect resources from unauthorized access. The second mode (0.8.50) is enabled by the secure_link and secure_link_md5 directives and is also used to limit lifetime of links.

The following configuration makes use of the secure_link_secret directive:

location /resources {
  secure_link_secret mySecret;
  if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
  rewrite ^ /secured/$secure_link;
location /secured/ {
  root /var/www;

In order to make use of a secure link, one must place the files to be protected inside the /var/www/secured folder. With this in place, accessing, for example, the /var/www/secured/index.html file would require using the following URL: your.server.url/resources/a53bee08a4bf0bbea978ddf736363a12/index.html. Here is what happens when this request is received by NGINX:

  • NGINX matches the location /resources from its configuration
  • It discovers this location is protected by a secret, as of the presence of the secure_link_secret directive.
  • It takes the secret word (in that case, mySecret) and the remaining of the accessed URI (in that case, index.html), concatenates those and hashes it with the MD5 procedure. In bash, you could perform this operation with the following code:
echo -n 'index.htmlmySecret' | openssl md5 -hex
  • If the computed hash matches the string between resources/ and /index.html in the URI, it proceeds, otherwise it returns a 403 error.
  • After validating the URI, NGINX can rewrite the URI by replacing it (from the beginning, per the ^ argument) by another location’s prefix (in that case, /secured/) and appending the content of the $secure_link variable. This variable contains, if the validation failed, an empty string, and if the validation succeeded, the remaining of the URI after the hash (in that case, index.html).
  • Making the location /secured/ internal, only NGINX generated requests (through internal redirects) can access it. Therefore, thanks to the above rewrite directive, only secure links can reach the files located in the secure folder, and the client accessing your.server.url/resources/a53bee08a4bf0bbea978ddf736363a12/index.html can in the end be served the file stored at /var/www/secured/index.html.

Using the secure_link and secure_link_md5 directives follows the same general idea but with more control over some aspects of the link, notably allowing to define an expiration date for example. The module documentation covers it in more details.


Logging the important information of received requests is crucial to configure your server’s security. This topic is covered in more details in Module 3.

1.3 - Describe the difference between serving static content and dynamic content. (REGEX, and variables)

This objective’s phrasing is quite weird: dynamic vs. static content clearly, in the context of the web, refer to webpages that may have automated evolutions and some logic (NodeJS or PHP web stack), while static content should remain statically generated, independently of the requests. On another hand, the parenthesis and sub-objectives go totally in another direction, talking about NGINX’s location matching mechanisms. The following link points to a discussion on this subject that you may find enlightening or not.

To answer both aspects:

  • NGINX supports dynamic URI matching. This means that the configuration file does not have to write one by one all possible URIs that a server should answer to, but performs some smart matching potentially using REGEX and variables. This is notably what we discussed in 1.2 - Describe how to configure path REGEX routing.
  • NGINX can act both as a static content server, and a dynamic content reverse proxy. NGINX serves static files using the root, index and try_files directives we already encountered. On another hand, the proxy_pass family of directives allows NGINX to reverse proxy connections to upstream servers generating dynamic content. NGINX even has optimized proxy passing for certain protocols such as FastCGI with the ngx_http_fastcgi_module <https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.html> and its fastcgi_pass directive.

The difference between both is that:

  • static file’s content should not be different between 2 requests. The content should only evolve if someone replaces the files at the location they are being served from on the machine hosting NGINX.
  • dynamic content is expected to serve different files between 2 requests. This can for example be implemented with the PHP programming language that can read a request and a .php file to be served, and perform dynamic actions to make the page evolve depending on request’s parameters (e.g.: Authorization, User-Agent or Cookie headers), or even depending on other aspects (e.g.: the time at which the request is processed)

NGINX has features for handling both aspects.

1.3 - Describe how server and location work




Server and Location blocks

For this objective, if you are already comfortable with the previous part you should have a better idea on how to tackle this.

It however can be interesting to note the actual definition of server and location blocks. First, note that the server directive belongs to both the http and stream modules, while the location directive can only be found and only makes sense in the http module (there is no notion of URI above the OSI layer 7 where the HTTP protocol lies).


A server block sets the configuration for a “Virtual Server” (if you come from the F5 Big IP world, you can very easily compare these to the LTM Virtual Servers). It is “virtual”, in the sense that there are not really one server process and stack per server bloc, NGINX makes sure to optimize this part, and it is a “server”, in the sense that it listens to incoming requests. The most amazing part about how NGINX treats server block lies in how requests are processed and assigned to a virtual server: instead of just considering an IP+Port association to define uniquely a server, NGINX is able to consider other aspects. This means that N servers may be able to listen on the same IP+Port pair, but NGINX will still be able to correctly associate requests to one or another depending on the context.

  • TLS SNI: on a stream or http server using TLS, NGINX is able to associate requests by reading the TLS’ extension “Server Name Identification” (SNI) if it is compiled with the correct options (you can check the output of nginx -V and see if there is mention of SNI in the options).
  • HTTP Host header: on a http server only, NGINX can read from the request’s header “Host” the value and associate the request to a specific server block if it can match this value to a server’s server_name. Note that server_name support wildcard (*) so you may catch many hostnames with a single server block.


A location is another concept. It first can only live inside a server block living in a http block, and it uses the HTTP request target from the HTTP Request line to define which location should be matched.

Recall the content from URI routing part to learn about the different quirks and possibilities for making dynamic routing between different location block inside a server.

Locations differ from server in that they are binded to a server, location blocks only exist in the context of a server. When a request is coming to NGINX, it first maps it to a virtual server, and then eventually matches a location inside that server to define how to process the request. Both are blocks that can contain various directives to give specifications on how to process incoming requests.

1.3 - Explain what is unique to NGINX as a web server

There are of course many ways to see why NGINX is unique as a web server. I notably think, regarding the points we studied for this objective, the 3 most important ones are the following:

  • Performance: NGINX is reputably known for its performances. As written by Andrew Alexeev, NGINX was written with in mind solving the C10K problem at a time this could barely be achieved with Apache. Therefore, NGINX has performance in its core design and handles requests in an optimized way (mostly on BSD and Linux based platforms). This sets it apart from its historical ancestor Apache.
  • Security: NGINX comes with many security features as you could see in this part. The most powerful one probably is implementing HTTPS and making it quite easy to set up with reasonably secure defaults: you just need to provide a path to a key and a certificate, NGINX can handle the rest. This is not especially rare in reverse proxies, but NGINX, with its design and all other controls it gives for security, is a reputably secure reverse proxy.
  • Flexibility: The previous part emphasizes how you can, with simple and file based directives, define complex and useful behaviour matching various possible architectures for your application delivery. If you come from the F5 Big IP world, you probably blew your mind realizing you do not need to have a virtual server dedicated to routing: you can here directly create a virtual server per application and make them all listen on HTTP/HTTPS standard ports while letting NGINX match request to virtual server using SNI or Host header.

Objective - Configure NGINX as a reverse proxy

1.4 - Explain how traffic routing is handled in NGINX as a reverse proxy




Routing to upstream in NGINX

As you have seen from the previous Objective, routing in NGINX begins be assigning a request to a virtual server, then to a location block in the case of and http server.

In the case of a reverse proxy, the same applies, the difference lies in the request’s proxying to an upstream server. Inside a location block, you can pass a request to upstream server using the proxy_pass directive. Other *_pass directive allow to pass to non HTTP upstream servers. The remaining of the routing depends on this communication with the upstream server.

Note that you can not only pass to a specific upstream address or domain, but also to an upstream group, defined by the upstream directive. Recall what you learnt in the Previous module to know about how the load balancing is handled and which server is selected for sending the request to.

Specificities and quirks related to upstream routing

The following points are hard to organize and classify as they are quite specific to NGINX and how to pass requests upstream in details, but you may find these interesting and will probably some day encounter issues related to these:

  • Passing request headers: by default, NGINX redefines two header fields in proxied requests, “Host” and “Connection”, and eliminates the header fields whose values are empty strings. “Host” is set to the $proxy_host variable, and “Connection” is set to close. This can be a source of L7 routing issues because your upstream server may need to know the original Host header sent by the client, or have other information such as the client’s real IP address (indicated by HTTP headers such as X-Real-IP, X-Forwarded-For, or Forwarded). To solve these, you can use the proxy_set_header directive.
  • Choosing an outgoing IP address. Because your NGINX instance may be reachable through multiple IPs, you may need to give specific source IP to your upstream server for tackling routing issues. The proxy_bind directive solves precisely this.
  • Dynamically resolving upstream’s IP. By default, if you put your upstream servers in an upstream group, you can use the server directive to define your upstream servers by the IP, domain name or UNIX socket address. Note that the domain name resolution, by default, only occurs on NGINX configuration reload, and does not monitor changes made to the DNS record before the next reload. This can be solved in NGINX Plus commercial subscription, with the resolve option of the server directive, but not easily and cleanly in NGINX OSS. If your domain name resolves to multiple IP addresses, NGINX will consider multiple upstream server and round-robin through them as if you added each IP by hand.
  • Caching and upstream bypassing. If you configure caching of upstream server’s responses, requests are not necessarily proxied to upstream server and may totally bypass this step, cutting the routing path at NGINX.

1.4 - Explain what is unique to NGINX as a reverse proxy


NGINX strengths

NGINX is unique as a reverse proxy by how it exploits its strengths. Here are some points recalling how NGINX especially shines:

  • Performance: as we explained regarding the Web Server capabilities of NGINX, performances are crucial for a reverse proxy and NGINX can leverage its web server performances in that regard. Notably, NGINX can be configured with different proxy passing protocols, optimized for certain tasks which makes NGINX a powerful reverse proxy. NGINX can also manage caching easily and use cached response to answer faster and reduce load on the upstream servers.
  • Flexibility: as we have seen with NGINX as a web server, NGINX configuration is flexible. This also benefits the reverse proxy aspects of NGINX, as it allows us to easily make operations such as manipulating headers, load balancing, handle upstream errors etc. All the NGINX configuration can easily be tracked with the configuration files which is a great strength of NGINX.
  • Security features: reverse proxies have the ability to act as Web Application Firewall, which, to some small but powerful extends, applies to NGINX. Indeed, rate limiting, IP restrictions, HTTP endpoints and methods restrictions are all part of NGINX tools for protecting the upstream servers.

Some of these features can be found in other products, but NGINX particularly shines in grouping them all together in a lightweight and Open Source software.

1.4 - Configure encryption

DEJONGHE, NGINX COOKBOOK Advanced Recipes for High -Performance Load Balancing., 77, 84-88.



In the context of this part, configuring encryption specifically for reverse proxying seems to refer to encrypting traffic between NGINX and the upstream servers (configuring encryption between the client and NGINX is covered in the Web Server part)

Securing HTTP traffic to upstream

To encrypt HTTP traffic to upstream servers, the simplest configuration is to specify “https://” in front of the server in option to the proxy_pass directive. This will make sure, as long as upstream servers can present an HTTPS certificate, that the communication is encrypted.

Note however that, regarding authentication, by default NGINX does not verify with its CAs the signature of the presented certificate. proxy_ssl_verify option allows enforcing this.

Securing TCP traffic to upstream

Similarly to the above for HTTPS, you may use SSL in TCP to encrypt layer 4 stream to upstream servers, it being HTTP or not. In that case, you should not specify HTTP but just add another directive in the same block as your proxy_pass directive: proxy_ssl  on;.

Again, the upstream’s certificate is not verified by default, which should be enabled by proxy_ssl_verify on;.

Note that here, as the objective only specifies “encryption”, we do not focus on authentication. For making NGINX authenticate toward the upstream servers, take a look at the Certificate related section of module 3

1.4 - Demonstrate how to manipulate headers



Modify response headers produced by upstream before they reach the client

In the context of NGINX being used as a reverse proxy, to manipulate headers in NGINX, there are 2 main approaches: modifying headers from the upstream received response, or modifying the request headers before they are passed to the upstream server.

You can add as many headers as desired to a response using the directives from the ngx_http_headers_module.

add_header Cache-Control private;

Adds a “Cache-Control” header with the “private” value (which indicates that the response is client specific and can be cached but not in a cache shared among users).

To remove headers from a response, the proxy_hide_header allows removing any specified from the response. Note that by default, “Date”, “Server”, “X-Pad” and “X-Accel-…” headers are removed.

proxy_ignore_headers allows making NGINX ignore headers that would otherwise instruct it to perform some actions (redirects, cache control, etc.). The following fields can be ignored: “X-Accel-Redirect”, “X-Accel-Expires”, “X-Accel-Limit-Rate” (1.1.6), “X-Accel-Buffering” (1.1.6), “X-Accel-Charset” (1.1.6), “Expires”, “Cache-Control”, “Set-Cookie” (0.8.44), and “Vary” (1.7.7).

Modify the request headers produced by client before they reach the upstream server

On the other side, you may want to modify HTTP headers before they could reach the upstream server. For this, your main tool is the proxy_set_header directive. As the name suggests, it does not just add headers but allows redefining the received headers.

By default, 2 fields are automatically redefined, as if the following directives were a default:

proxy_set_header Host       $proxy_host;
proxy_set_header Connection close;

This allows to use the upstream’s server name as Host (you will very often need to redefine this to $host or $http_host in order for the upstream server to see the client’s original requested Host). It also ensures the connection is closed after the transaction and prevents keeping unwanted keepalived connections. This makes sure that Keep-Alive is explicitly configured.

By default, the request headers received by the client are passed, but this can be modified through the proxy_pass_request_header directive.

If you want to explicitly prevent one specific header from being passed to the upstream, the following allows you to do so:

proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";

1.4 - Describe the difference between proxy_set_header and add_header

You may have got it from the above, but basically proxy_set_header modifies the request headers before they are passed to upstream, while add_header adds headers to the response sent to the client.

They are not operating on the same aspects of HTTP (request vs. response).

1.4 - Modify or tune a memory zone configuration



Memory zone for reverse proxying

Shared memory zones in the context of NGINX can be used in multiple contexts (shared rate limiting, shared caching, shared upstream state, etc.)

In the context of NGINX being used as a reverse proxy, we will assume here that memory zone here refers to the memory zone to be defined in the upstream {} block context (as other usages seem more related to other uses of NGINX).

Shared memory zones in the context of upstream groups allow NGINX to share information and state related to the upstream load balancing state among the different workers. As explained in the module 1, sharing memory zones is an efficient way for NGINX to share information among its workers and prevent redoing the same work when successive requests are handled by different workers. For example, if an upstream group contains 4 members, and we want the N NGINX workers to load balance between these upstream servers in a round robin fashion, the N NGINX workers need to make sure they don’t all re-do the round-robin work, but rather hit each server one after the other. Shared memory zone allow for example to do this.

Modify or tune a shared memory zone of an upstream group

Defining a shared memory zone for the upstream context is done with the zone directive. It accepts 2 parameters: a name, required, and a size, optional. Using the same name for different zones allows to reuse a shared memory zone (eventually to optimize the used memory). For the size parameter, fine tuning it depends on multiple parameters, the documentation however provides some guidance on how it can be optimized for the use cases:

As an example, with the sticky_route session persistence method and a single health check enabled, a 256-KB zone can accommodate information about the indicated number of upstream servers:

  • 128 servers (each defined as an IP-address:port pair)
  • 88 servers (each defined as hostname:port pair where the hostname resolves to a single IP address)
  • 12 servers (each defined as hostname:port pair where the hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses)

1.4 - Describe how to configure NGINX as socket reverse proxy


Web sockets in NGINX

In order to use NGINX as a reverse proxy when your backend server uses web sockets will work easily. You however must apply a specific configuration: since the “Upgrade” HTTP header, used to configure web sockets, is a hop-by-hop header, it is not expected to be passed by default from the client to the upstream servers.

To handle this, NGINX uses a special procedure that can be configured with the following example code:

http {
  map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
      default upgrade;
      ''      close;

  server {

      location /chat/ {
          proxy_pass http://backend;
          proxy_http_version 1.1;
          proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
          proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

Here, the usage of proxy_set_header allows to override the “Upgrade” and the “Connection” header to reflect the client’s intentions. The client’s intention are read from the “Upgrade” header and put in a new variable $connection_upgrade.

1.4 - Describe how open source NGINX handles health checks in different situations





NGINX OSS handles passive health checks

First, as the certification cover NGINX OSS only, note that many features related to health checks are therefore not covered (active health checks, server drains, slow starts, etc.).

NGINX handling passive health checks means that, when reverse-proxying connections, if it realizes that the upstream server does not respond, it will not stand there and keep sending new connections to this backend. NGINX will internally flag this server as down for a certain amount of time, and not send requests to it again until it gets considered up again.

If the upstream group is in a shared memory zone, the upstream servers’ state is shared among NGINX workers, making the server unavailability available to all workers and preventing, when having N workers, having N times trials to proxy client request to a failed server but do this only once.

The handling of health check is quite similar for each protocol (HTTP, TCP or UDP).

Health check are handled only when using upstream block. The server directive has options to precise health check behaviour for a certain server: max_fails and fail_timeout.

In the following example, if NGINX fails to send a request to a server or does not receive a response from it 3 times in 30 seconds, it marks the server as unavailable for 30 seconds:

upstream backend {
  server backend1.example.com;
  server backend2.example.com max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;

Note that if there is only a single server in a group, the fail_timeout and max_fails parameters are ignored, and the server is never marked unavailable.

By default, max_fails=1 and fail_timeout=10s. Also note that fail_timeout defines both, the time NGINX waits before considering the server timed out, and the time during which a server is flagged as down after it has reached that timeout. This aspect can be surprising.

Health checking for HTTP, TCP and UDP upstream servers

HTTP, TCP and UDP passive health checks are configured with the same parameters, the only difference is that the upstream server group would be created in a stream or a http block.